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Speakers for 2023
Meetings at Dulverton Town Hall
10.00am for 10.30am start
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All talks take place in Dulverton Town Hall 10.00am for 10.30am
Non-members are welcome, entry is free as an introductory offer

26th June - Andy Bell - From Lace to Space
A History of Heathcoatt Fabrics and Knightshayes

31st July - Simon Rous - Decoding the symbols hidden in Holbein’s Tudor portraits
Simon is not an art historian, but a retired Corporate Lawyer who, while in practice, had many clients in Europe where he became fascinated by the German-Swiss artist, Holbein the Younger, not only by his manifest artistic accomplishments in painting, stained glass and book design, but also his chameleon character enabling him to work for reformist clients while continuing to serve traditional religious patrons. Holbeins realistic portraits of Henry VIIIs court, the surrounding nobility and merchant class gives a fascinating insight into the Tudor world. In his talk with slides of Holbeins work, Simon will recount Holbeins life story and examine the layers of symbolism, allusion and paradox with which the artist enshrouded many of his masterpieces.

28th August - No Meeting

25th September - Philip Bratby - Nuclear power

30th October - Powers Ian Mawby - History of Pullams Mill

27th November - Frazer Lawrence - British Army Gurkhas in Afghanistan

25th December - No meeting

29th January - Annual Lunch

26th February - Stuart Harrison - Working Draft Horses on the Fringe of Exmoor
The who, why, where, and how of using working horses on a small farm at the fringes of Exmoor.  No tractors here!
Take a step back in time and learn about the nobility and utility of heavy working horses.

26th March - Victoria Hope Walker - A Paralympic Journey and the road to equality for disabled people
Vicky Hope-Walker, CEO and founder of the National  Paralympic Heritage Trust will talk about the history of the Paralympics, from  their origin in the D-Day landings through to the spectacle of the Games  today.
Vicky will also bring along items from the  collections to share, including medals, torches, costumes, and a few mystery  objects.

No speakers in January, August or December
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